Cons, gigs, workshops and other places to find Mew & Ed!

Ed is the Music Director/Organist at the lovely St. Paul's Episcopal Church, North Andover, MA where Mew has had a lot of fun singing in the choir when she can.

August 2016

We will be doing a series of house concerts during our trip to Michigan this summer in August. We're still setting them up but one of them will be at Great Oaks Cohousing in Ann Arbor, MI

June 2017

Mary Ellen is excited to announce that she will be the Brave Toaster (not little) at Contata 8, June 23-25 2017 in Morristown, NJ. This is a “filk” convention. If you've never heard of filk check out: Filk Music (what is it?)

Ed and Mary Ellen perform together for weddings, funerals and other occasions.

Maybe you can host a house concert! The fabulous Heather Dale has a great page with information on hosting a house concert for Heather Dale for her – which is fairly similar to what we'd say (stay tuned!) Another singer we love, Lui Collins, has a good page about it as well Lui Collins - A Basic Guide to House Concerts. Obviously there will probably be difference specific to us – but these will give you a good idea of what a house concert is if you've never hosted or been to one.

Mary Ellen will be available to present workshops in the fall.

Stay tuned for further details!

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